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493 lines
set output error
set display page 23
set more 1
#delimit ;
di _n(5) in wh
" ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ tm" _n
" /__ / ____/ / ____/" _n
"___/ / /___/ / /___/ Survival Analysis" _n
"-------------------------------------------------" _n(2) ;
di in gr
"This tutorial provides an overview of the Stata commands for performing" _n
"survival analysis, including the estimation of Cox proportional-hazards models"
_n "via maximum-likelihood techniques. The commands we will discuss are:" _n(2)
in wh
_col(18) "cox coxvar loglogs survcurv" _n
_col(18) "coxbase gwood logrank survsum" _n
_col(18) "coxhaz kapmeier mantel wilcoxon" _n ;
di in gr
"We will draw some graphs during this tutorial. If your computer and monitor"
"do not have graphics capabilities, you won't be able to see them, and that's"
"too bad, but nothing will go wrong." _n(2)
"If you are using a Sun computer with SunView, we recommend that before run-"
"ning this tutorial, you type '"
in wh "window define tut" in gr "'. If you typed that when" _n
"you ran the graphics tutorial, you needn't type it again. If you haven't" _n
"yet typed it, break out of this tutorial by holding down "
in wh "Ctrl" in gr " and pressing" _n
in wh "C" in gr ", type the command, and then restart this tutorial." _n ;
#delimit cr
mac def path
capture run nullfile.tut
if _rc {
mac def path "\stata\"
capture run %path`nullfile.tut
if _rc {
mac def path "/usr/stata/"
capture run %path`nullfile.tut
if _rc {
#delimit ;
di in red
"I cannot find the other tutorial files. I have looked in the current" _n
"directory and in \stata (DOS) or /usr/stata (Unix). Is Stata installed" _n
"correctly?" _n(2)
"In any case, I cannot run the tutorial." ;
#delimit cr
macro define F5 "do %path`contents.tut;"
macro define F6 "do %path`survive.tut;"
#delimit ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
di _n(2) in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"We begin with the " in wh "cox" in gr
" command. " in wh "cox" in gr " can estimate proportional-hazards models" _n
"on duration data, on censored duration data, and with time-varying regres-" _n
"sors. We have some data from an experiment comparing generators with old-" _n
"and new-style bearings. Generators were run under various overload condi-" _n
"tions until they failed and the time, in hours, was recorded. We'll show" _n
"you our data:"_n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(4)
". use %path`kva, clear" ;
noisily use %path`kva, clear ;
di _n in wh ". describe" ;
noisily describe ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
di _n in wh ". list" ;
noisily list ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
di _n(2) in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"All of Stata's estimation commands share the same syntax:" _n(2)
_col(13) "<estimation-command> lhsvar rhsvar1 rhsvar2 ..." _n(2)
"In the case of "
in wh "cox" in gr ", the left-hand-side variable is the time-until-failure" _n
"variable, so the syntax is:" _n(2)
_col(13) in wh "cox "
in gr "time-var rhsvar1 rhsvar2 ..." _n(2)
"We wish to estimate a model of 'failtime' on 'load' and 'bearings':" _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(12)
". cox failtime load bearings" ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
noisily cox failtime load bearings ;
di _n ; set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
di _n(2) in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"Just as "
in wh "cox" in gr
" shares the same syntax with Stata's other estimation commands," _n
in wh "cox" in gr
" shares the same capabilities. After estimating the model, for instance,"
"we can view the inverse information matrix either as a correlation matrix or"
"a covariance matrix:" _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(2)
". correlate, _coef" ;
noisily correlate, _coef ;
di _n in wh ". correlate, _coef covariance" ;
noisily correlate, _coef cov;
di _n(2) ; set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
di _n(2) in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"We can review the estimates by typing '"
in wh "cox" in gr "' without arguments:" _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(6)
". cox" ;
noisily cox ;
di _n ; set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
di _n(2) in wh _dup(79) "-" _n
"cox" in gr
" can also estimate models with censored observations. We have another" _n
"data set recording the results of a drug trial." _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(8)
". use %path`cancer, clear" ;
noisily use %path`cancer, clear ;
di _n in wh ". describe" ;
noisily describe ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
di _n(2) in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"In this case, some of the observations are censored -- not all the patients"
"have yet died. Our time variable, studytim, records the time of death or,"
"if the patient still lives, the time of the end of the experiment. Another"
"variable, died, records whether the patient died." _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
di _n(2) in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"Before launching into estimation, let's examine our data:" _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(3)
". tabulate died, summarize(studytim)" ;
noisily tabulate died, summ(studytim) ;
di _n(2) in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"Some 17 of our 48 patients are still alive and, not surprisingly, their" _n
"survival times are longer than those who died." _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(2) ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
di _n(4) in wh ". tabulate drug, summarize(studytim), if died" ;
noisily tabulate drug, summ(studytim), if died ;
di _n(2) in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"Among the patients who died, and whose survival times are therefore complete,"
"we see evidence that drug 2 is better than drug 1 and that drug 3 is better" _n
"than drug 2." _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(3) ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
di _n in wh ". tabulate drug, summarize(died)" ;
noisily tab drug, summ(died) ;
di _n(3) in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"Looking at the fraction of patients who died, we see that drug 1 looks re-" _n
"markably ineffective. Thus, both the completed survival times and fraction"
"of patients who died seem to be telling the same story." _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(3) ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
di _n(2) in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"We wish to estimate a model of the form:" _n(2)
_col(8) " Probability of dying between times t and t+dt" _n
_col(8) "h(t) = ---------------------------------------------" _n
_col(8) " (dt) (Probability of dying after time t)" _n(2)
_col(8) " = h (t) exp( b age + b drug + b drug )" _n
_col(8) " 0 1 2 2 3 3" _n(2)
"To account for the censoring, we add the "
in wh "dead()" in gr " option to the end of the " in wh "cox" _n in gr
"command. "
in wh "dead()" in gr " alerts " in wh "cox" in gr
" that there is censoring and provides the name" _n
"of the variable that indicates whether the patient is dead or alive. So, we"
"type:" _n ;
di in wh _col(8) "cox studytim age drug2 drug3, dead(died)" _n(2)
in gr
"This would be fine, except that we don't yet have indicator variables for the"
"drug=2 and drug=3 groups. Making indicator variables from categorical vari-"
"ables is easy in Stata:" _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(2)
". quietly tabulate drug, gen(drug)" ;
tabulate drug, gen(drug) ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
di _n in wh ". describe" ;
noisily describe ;
di _n in wh ". cox studytim age drug2 drug3, dead(died)" ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
noisily cox studytim age drug2 drug3, dead(died) ;
di _n ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
di _n(2) in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"We find that both drug 2 and drug 3 are statistically different from drug 1."
"We might now ask whether drug 2 is different from drug 3:" _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(3)
". test drug2=drug3" ;
noisily test drug2=drug3 ;
di _n in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"You can learn more about the "
in wh "test" in gr " command in regress.tut and probit.tut." _n
"Everything said there applies with equal force after "
in wh "cox" in gr " estimation." _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(3) ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
di _n(2) in wh _dup(79) "-" _n
in wh "cox" in gr
" also has the ability to estimate models with time-varying regressors." _n
"There is so much more we want to cover, however, that we will not illustrate"
"that capability here. It is covered in great detail in the manual and you" _n
"can even find an example in the on-line help file. If you are interested," _n
"type '"
in wh "help cox" in gr "' at the conclusion of this tutorial." _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(13) ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
drop drug1 drug2 drug3 ;
di _n(2) in wh
"Survive.Kit" _n
"-----------" _n ;
di in gr
"Survive.Kit adds the following commands to Stata:" _n(2)
_col(8) in wh "kapmeier" in gr _col(20) "Kaplan-Meier survival curves" _n
_col(8) in wh "gwood" in gr _col(20)
"Kaplan Meier survival curves with Greenwood confidence bands" _n
_col(8) in wh "loglogs" in gr _col(20)
"diagnostic plots for the exponential & Weibull distributions" _n(2)
_col(8) in wh "survsum" in gr _col(20) "display survival summary statistics" _n
_col(8) in wh "survcurv" in gr _col(20) "create survival variables" _n ;
di in gr
_col(8) in wh "logrank" in gr _col(20)
"log-rank test for two or more groups" _n
_col(8) in wh "mantel" in gr _col(20) "Mantel-Haenszel test for two groups" _n
_col(8) in wh "wilcoxon" in gr _col(20)
"Wilcoxon-Gehan test for two groups" _n(2)
_col(8) in wh "coxhaz" in gr _col(20) "graph the baseline hazard after "
in wh "cox" in gr _n
_col(8) in wh "coxbase" in gr _col(20)
"graph the baseline survival curve after "
in wh "cox" in gr _n
_col(8) in wh "coxvar" in gr _col(20)
"create baseline survival variables after "
in wh "cox" in gr _n ;
di in gr
"Before we can continue, we must load Survive.Kit:" _n(2)
in wh ". run %path`Survive.Kit" ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
run %path`Survive.Kit ;
di _n in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"Unfortunately, if you are running the demonstration version of Stata, we could"
"not provide you with the full version of Survive.Kit. We had to omit the" _n
in wh "gwood" in gr ", "
in wh "kapmeier" in gr ", "
in wh "logrank" in gr ", "
in wh "mantel" in gr ", "
in wh "survsum" in gr ", and "
in wh "wilcoxon" in gr " commands. These" _n
"commands need to write temporary data sets in the process of making their" _n
"calculations, and the demonstration version of Stata lacks that capability." _n
"In the demonstration version, these commands are merely stubs that say " _n
in ye "not available in demonstration version" in gr
"' if you try to use them." _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(2) ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
di _n(2) in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"By the same token, if you are using the Unix version of Stata in demonstration"
"mode, these commands will not work. They are not, however, stubs that do" _n
"nothing; they are the real version and will fail." _n(2)
"To get around these problems in this tutorial, we will simulate their output,"
"making it look as if they ran fine." _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(3) ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
di _n(2) in white
"Command Syntax" _n
"--------------" _n ;
di in gr
"All the Survive.Kit commands have essentially the same syntax:" _n(2)
_col(16) "<command> timevar deadvar [" in wh ", by("
in gr "groupvar" in wh ")" in gr "]" _n(2)
"timevar is the name of the variable recording survival time or time until" _n
"censoring; deadvar is the name of the variable recording 1 if the observation"
"represents a death and 0 if it represents the last time the patient was known"
"to be alive. Not all commands allow the "
in wh "by()" in gr " option (because it does not make" _n
"sense) and a few require it (for the same reason). Some commands allow other"
"options as well." _n ;
di in gr
"You can type '"
in wh "help Survive.Kit" in gr "' at the end of this tutorial for complete de-"
"tails on syntax." _n(2)
"We are not going to give examples of all the Survive.Kit commands -- there"
"are too many! But we will show a few of Survive.Kit's capabilities." _n(4) ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
di _n(13) in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"The "
in wh "kapmeier" in gr
" command graphs the Kaplan-Meier survival curve. Let's take a" _n
"look using our drug trial data. (If your computer does not have graphics" _n
"capabilities, these commands won't do anything.)" _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(2)
". kapmeier studytim died" ;
set more 0 ; more ;
graph using %path`kapm ;
set more 1 ;
di in wh _n ". kapmeier studytim died, by(drug)" ;
set more 0 ; more ;
graph using %path`kapm2 ;
set more 1 ;
di _n(2) in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"Adding Greenwood confidence bands is easy:" _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(2)
". gwood studytim died" ;
set more 0 ; more ;
graph using %path`gw ;
set more 1 ;
di _n in wh
". gwood studytim died, by(drug)" ;
set more 0 ; more ;
graph using %path`gw2 ;
set more 1 ;
di _n(4) in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"The " in wh "survsum" in gr
" command displays summary statistics -- number of observations," _n
"number of deaths, median survival time, mean survival time -- for the sample."
"The estimated median survival is based on the nonparametric Kaplan-Meier" _n
"survival curve. The mean survival is based on the assumption of an exponen-"
"tial distribution that takes censoring into account." _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(2)
" . survsum studytim died" ;
di _n in gr
"Group Cases Died Median Mean" _n
"-------------------------------------------------------" _n
in ye "Total 48 31 17 24" ;
di _n in wh ". survsum studytim died, by(drug)" ;
di _n in gr
"Group Cases Died Median Mean" _n
"-------------------------------------------------------" _n
in ye
"1 20 19 8 9.4736843" _n
"2 14 6 22 34.833332" _n
"3 14 6 33 59.166668" _n
"Total 48 31 . ." _n ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
di _n(13) in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"The "
in wh "loglogs" in gr
" command produces a graph of log(-log(S(t))) vs. log(t), where" _n
"S(t) is the survivor function defined by the Kaplan-Meier product-limit" _n
"estimate." _n(2)
"If the resulting curve is a straight line, the data may be assumed to come" _n
"from a Weibull distribution." _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(2)
". loglogs studytim died" ;
set more 0 ; more ;
noisily loglogs studytim died, ylabel xlabel ;
set more 1 ;
di _n in wh ". loglogs studytim died, by(drug)" ;
set more 0 ; more ;
noisily loglogs studytim died, by(drug) bsize(125) ylabel xlabel border ;
set more 1 ;
di _n(7) in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"The "
in wh "survcurv" in gr " command adds three new variables to your data:" _n(2)
in wh _col(8) "_surv" _col(20) in gr
"the Kaplan-Meier product-limit estimates" _n
_col(8) in wh "_stds" _col(20) in gr
"the Greenwood standard deviation of the survival curve" _n
in wh _col(8) "_vlogs" in gr
_col(20) "the variance of the log survival" _n(2)
"Other programs in Survive.Kit use "
in wh "survcurv" in gr " as a utility routine and you may" _n
"find it useful when you wish to design custom graphs or make custom estimates."
di in gr
"For instance, for the Weibull distribution, we know that" _n(2)
_col(8) "log(-log(S(t))) = -log(lambda) + p log(t)" _n(2)
"where S(t) is the survival function. Using the variables produced by "
in wh "survcurv" _n in gr
"and linear regression, we can estimate the parameters of the Weibull:" _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(2)
". survcurv studytim died" ;
noisily survcurv studytim died ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
di _n in wh ". gen loglogs = log(-log(_surv))" ;
gen loglogs = log(-log(_surv)) ;
di _n in wh ". gen logt = log(studytim)" ;
gen logt = log(studytim) ;
di _n in wh ". regress loglogs logt" ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
noisily regress loglogs logt ;
di _n ; set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
di _n(4) in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"The " in wh "logrank" in gr
" command calculates the log-rank statistic for comparing survival"
"curves of two or more groups:" _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n(2)
". logrank studytim died, by(drug)" ;
di _n in gr
"Group Events Predicted" _n
"--------------------------------------------" _n
in ye
"1 19 7.2459559" _n
"2 6 8.1984653" _n
"3 6 15.555579" _n(2)
in gr
"Chi2( " in ye "2" in gr " ) = " in ye "25.526241" in gr " , P = "
in ye "2.864e-06" _n ;
di _n in wh _dup(79) "-" _n in gr
"The results indicate that the three groups are indeed different; the P-value"
"is less than 0.1%. Note that there are 19+6+6=31 deaths occurring (labeled" _n
"events) and 31 deaths predicted (which is perhaps not so obvious). For the" _n
"control group (group 1), there are 19 observed deaths, but only 7.25 would" _n
"be expected if all patients had the same survival rate." _n
in wh _dup(79) "-" _n ;
set more 0 ; more ; set more 1 ;
drop _all ;
label drop _all ;
macro define F6 "do %path`statkit.tut;" ;
di _n(4) in white
"Demonstration ends" _n
"------------------" _n ;
di in green
"That concludes our short demonstration, but there's much more. We now return"
"control to you. Some suggestions:" _n ;
di in green
"If you ..." _col(34) "Then we will show you ..." _n
" Press " in white "F5" in green _col(38) "a table of tutorial contents" _n
" Press " in white "F6" in green _col(38) "the next tutorial, "
in white "statkit.tut" _n ;
run %path`tobuy.tut ;